I dare you. Today. Write down the TOP 1 thing that you NEED to get done.
Then do it. Now.
Get off of Facebook.
Get off Twitter & LinkedIn & Pinterest.
Stop replying to random emails.
You’ll never get everything on your list done. However, IF you write down your Top 1 – 5 things you need to get done, each day, and If you start working on item one, you’ll get a lot more of the critical stuff done than you usually do.
I dare you. Focus. Just for one task even.
Try it today. Prove me wrong. 😉
Or waste your time in the email vortex of hell, doing random busy work. You can’t get more time. You can get more focused.
It’s about doing the critical few things, not the necessary many.
More great tips on in chapters 9 & 13 of Double Double.
And if you still have trouble, join the COO Alliance and get away three times a year to share ideas with other high-growth COOs just like you. Click here to apply today.