Ep. 160 – AdOutreach Head of Operations, Julia Gordy

Our guest today is COO Alliance Member Julia Gordy, who is the Head of Operations at AdOutreach.

AdOutreach is a company that helps entrepreneurs & marketers harness the power of YouTube Ads to skyrocket their leads & sales.

Julia is integral in the management of AdOutreach and specializes in analyzing and improving organizational processes to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency. As one of the first employees at AdOutreach in 2018, Julia has worn almost every hat in the business as the company scaled to helping over 1,000 businesses generate multiple 8-figures in client revenue through YouTube Ads. She specializes in analyzing and improving organizational processes, working to improve quality, productivity and efficiency so that AdOutreach can best serve their clients.

In This Conversation, We Discuss:

  • The challenges Julia has faced in her personal life and as the Head of Operations
  • Identifying the areas needed for growth and tracking the metrics as the company scales
  • Hiring people smarter than you and overcoming the mental hurdle of knowing you’re not replacing yourself
  • What makes a good client for AdOutreach
  • Experiences working with different age groups
  • Systems for recruiting and interviewing remote team members



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AdOutreach – https://adoutreach.com

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Before we jump into this episode, you need to know about two important ways that we can help you and your company grow. Number one, check out the COO Alliance. It’s for COOs, presidents, VP ops, or whoever’s your company’s second in command to the CEO. The COO Alliance is the world’s leading community for the second in command. It gives COOs the tools and connections to grow themselves and the company. Head over to COOAlliance.com to learn more about our members and the results, the program, and our 10X guarantee. If you qualify for membership, you can set up a complimentary call with our team to discuss if it’s right for you. I’ll tell you about number two in a bit, but first, let’s start this episode.

Our guest is COO Alliance member, Julia Gordy, who’s Head of Operations at AdOutreach. AdOutreach is a company that helps entrepreneurs and marketers harness the power of YouTube ads to skyrocket their leads and sales. Julia’s integral management at AdOutreach specializes in analyzing and improving organizational processes to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency. As one of the first employees at AdOutreach in 2018, Julia’s worn almost every hat in the business as the company scaled to helping over 1,000 companies generate multiple eight figures in client revenue through YouTube ads. She specializes in analyzing and improving organizational processes, working to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency so that AdOutreach can best serve its clients. Julia, welcome to the show.

Thank you for having me.

I’m looking forward to learning from you and to learning more about you as well. How did you get involved in AdOutreach? How did you find out about them? How did they learn about you?

I first found out about AdOutreach when Aleric, our CEO, came to speak at my Marketing class when we were both in college. We came to give a presentation about what he does. He was at the time searching for two interns. I watched a presentation and was like, “This is exactly what I want to do.” I was a Marketing major and I knew that I wanted to do advertising. I love YouTube. Having him come into my marketing class and say, “I’ve got an opening for an internship. It involves YouTube ads,” I knew I had to do everything possible to get this internship. I went through the interview process and it went well. He ended up only hiring me as an intern because he realized that I could do the job of two people.

The company was how many people at that point?

The company was Aleric and then one friend of his who ended up leaving the company relatively soon after, and then me as their intern.

There was a company. It was a legal definition of a company, but you weren’t joining a company with a big operation or lots of people yet. You were attracted to the purpose of it and to the idea of what they did and the product itself. The company evolved underneath you. What’s the size of the company now?

Now we have almost 40 team members and growing quickly in a few years.

To go from you and Aleric and one person who left shortly after to 40 people, that’s pretty rapid growth. Every day, this is the biggest thing that you’ve ever done and the biggest thing he’s ever done. As the Head of Operations, what challenges have you had to take over or counter or get through? What have you had to go around?

The biggest challenge, at least for me personally, has been finding work-life balance, being that I’m young, I’m passionate about this company and about the team that we’ve grown. I want to put as much energy as I possibly can into everything. Learning how to say no to certain things and prioritize what needs to be done first was difficult at first, especially as we grew quickly and there was more and more that I was taking on and learning how to maneuver through that. That’s something I’m still learning now.

How about in terms of any of the functional areas of the business? Are there any areas of the business that you bump your head into and you go, “I don’t know how to do this?” How are you learning through some of those areas?

I’m thankful that we invest in coaching and for any area that we feel that we need to work on or that we can improve upon. When it comes to, for example, finances, I majored in Marketing, not Finance. I took Finance and Accounting classes, but I would not classify myself as an accountant. We work with a fractional CFO. I meet with them every other week to go over our books and to dive into the finance of the business and learn more and more about this so that I’m able to take that over. Another area is HR. That’s something where I’m able to reach out to other mentors that we have and ask how they’ve dealt with certain internal situations. I am grateful for all the resources that I have available for areas that I’m still learning about.

Is that something that you’re bringing to the rest of the company as well? Are you bringing those kinds of mentoring and resources or coaching to other members of your team as well, or is that something that you and Aleric are doing?

That’s something that we make available for pretty much the entire team. For different departments, we’ll have different coaches. Sales has their own coach. We invested in a Tony Robbins coaching for the entire team. We also have other things that encourage team members to go out and find courses and books that we are happy to encourage everyone to learn and seek ways to improve themselves, both professionally and personally.

Have you got a budget per person on that, or a budget for the company, or is it, “Go for it. Keep learning. Keep growing?”

We do have a general budget, a general percentage that we stick to. When it comes to things like a book or a course, I’m not going to nickel and dime someone for courses and for books. When it comes to coaches, that would be a discussion. In general, we haven’t said no yet.

What about for yourself in terms of where your core focus is for growing? Are there core areas you’re growing on or you’re focusing on your growth?

I’m focusing on things like the finances and being able to zoom out, and then from a high level, look at where we’re growing, where we might need to do some fine-tuning when it comes to metrics across all departments. It’s getting an understanding of operations at a higher level at a much larger scale.

For you and Aleric, how have you decided on how to divvy up the organization? Has it been an evolving process as you’ve grown?

It’s evolved as we’ve grown. I wasn’t second in command when I first started.

You’re pretty much were the second in command. There was nobody else there at some point. It was you and him.

It was something that I earned. From the beginning, we did have that trust. If he needed something or if he needed help with something, I was always his go-to person. When it came to a leadership role, that’s something that was an evolution over time. When it comes to splitting things up, he is incredible on the visionary side, painting what the future is going to be like, and also relaying that to the team. This is something that for us has been a dynamic that’s worked well. My job is the execution. He’ll give a big idea and then I will figure out how we can make it happen.

Are you at the stage yet where you’ve hired someone smarter than you? You’re pretty smart. It’s been apparent. I’ve seen you around our COO Alliance meetings. I spent some time with you at one of our COO Alliance events. I recognize that you’ve got some skills. You’re a little bit wise beyond your years. Have you hired someone smarter than you yet? We all do at some point.

We’ve hired some skilled people, especially on our client success team, the people who are directly working with our clients in their ad accounts. Everyone has their different strengths, but there are things that they do that truly amaze me. I know I could never reach that level when it comes to marketing.

This is something that often when great leaders get, they go to the next level of even being great, but when you can hire people that are truly better than you and you’re not worried about putting yourself out of a job, how do you grapple with that whole, “Am I going to make myself less desirable inside the company, less responsible, or less valuable if I hire all these smart people? What am I going to do?” How have you gone through that mental, or have you even had that mental hurdle yet?

For me, that thought hasn’t come to mind. It’s because my motivation on bringing on such intelligent and talented employees is that it’s only going to make the company better. We want them to be a great culture fit and well with the team. In the end, it’s only going to help make us stronger. Also, everyone has their own individual zones of genius. I wouldn’t say that I’ve necessarily brought on anyone that has outright said, “Julia, I want to do everything that you do.” Maybe that’s why I’m not concerned in that area specifically.

SIC 160 | AdOutreach

AdOutreach: Bringing on such intelligent and talented employees will only improve the company.


I’ve been nothing but excited when we bring someone on and I know that they’re going to crush it, make our clients happy, and continue to improve upon the processes. I know that what I built years ago in terms of SOPs and how we run things, I can’t go in, change, and update every single thing. Someone needs to take my place and all the hats that I’ve worn. When that person is great, I’m proud of that.

Talk about the model itself. In AdOutreach, walk us through your core products and services. It’s a little different from what I originally thought it was.

We have a unique offer. We have a done-with-you program. We’re not an agency where everything is done for a client. We’re not a course where someone’s given a bunch of videos and there isn’t necessarily a ton of support. We have a unique done-with-you process where, depending on the program, our clients will work with us hands-on for a certain amount of time to script through every step of launching their YouTube ads from scripting their ad, they film it, and they submit it for feedback. We also help them with their funnel and offer. We try a holistic approach when it comes to helping our clients. When it’s time to launch their ads, we’re therefore setting them up, optimizing, and eventually scaling those winning campaigns.

Why are you not doing the “done for you” component? Is it because you don’t have as much buy-in from the clients or the clients get frustrated with creative? What’s the thought process behind that?

We used to have a “done for you” offer, but it limited the number of people that we were able to help. If we had some people that are in the “done for you,” some people are done with you, you end up spending more time on clients. We were doing it for them. That limits the bandwidth for all of these other people that we could help and work with.

Ultimately, when it came to our mission, which is to empower as many entrepreneurs and business owners as we can through YouTube ads and value-driven video marketing, it made more sense to do a “done with you” model where we can help people. We can empower them as well. They know their business far better than we know their business. If we’re able to empower them and give them the tools to run their ads, then they’re going to get incredible results.

Tell me about your different client avatars. Who would your typical clients be?

A majority of our clients are online businesses, coaches, consultants, course creators, and anyone in this online space. We worked with a large amount of people in the online space. We also have worked with local businesses. We’ve worked with doctors, dentists, and lawyers. One of our clients said well in a testimony, “If you have a business and you have a face, you should be on YouTube.” I agree.

If you have a business and you have a face, you should be on YouTube.

Give us a couple of secrets. If anybody’s reading and they’re considering working with you, what’s going to make them a good client of AdOutreach? What kind of people should we tell, “You’re not a good fit?”

It’s dependent on what their goals are. If they’re looking to bring in leads and sales through video marketing through YouTube, we find that the clients that get the best results are the ones who implement. If they’re ready to implement and take this next step, because it can be a bit daunting to enter video marketing, a lot of people have no experience with that yet. That’s something that we don’t take lightly. We make sure that we’re supporting our clients as much as possible through the process, giving them support in any area that they need. If someone’s ready and they want to get more clients, we’re there.

Is there a typical budget that the clients need to start with you?

The bare minimum for your ad spend per month is around $500 because there is testing that goes into the strategy. We have a method that’s similar to a bullseye. Imagine a dart board. You throw a bunch of arrows and some will land on the outside and then there’ll be some that land close to the middle. You’ll eliminate all the ones on the outside and then you have the ones that are in the middle.

Those are the ones where you’ll be able to scale that budget and find those winning campaigns, keywords, and audiences that you can layer. I’m sure there are ads coaches on my team that could explain this well. That strategy we found works well. If you’re able to do that initial testing and then zero in on what works and scale it, it’ll get a good ROI.

SIC 160 | AdOutreach

AdOutreach: If you’re able to do that initial testing and then zero in on what works and scale it, it will get a really good ROI.


Let’s talk about growth. To go from you and Aleric to 40 employees over three years, what have you learned through some of that growth? What have you learned in building the team and in the recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, and aligning of those people? What are some of the lessons?

One was that I learned through bringing on team members. That was when I realized what position I wanted to be in because for a while, I didn’t know where I would fall in the end. I loved AdOutreach, working with this company, and building this company, but I didn’t know what my role would be long-term. As we needed to make new hires, even though I’d never done recruiting and never interviewed people, I searched for how to do it. I started doing it by bringing on team members and through getting on interviews and talking about what we do. I realized that I love that.

I love being able to represent the company and bring and welcome people into the company. That was, for me, an exciting lesson. As you grow, there are company goals, but then everyone has their own individual goals. Being mindful of that and making sure that we’re checking in with every single person on the team to say, “How are you feeling right now in your position? Does this align with your goals? How can we empower you to do more?” if they want to do more.

Making sure that we’re having those conversations is important because we’re busy and all of us are passionate about what we do so it can be easy to forget these crucial conversations. If we’re so growth-oriented, it’s important that we emphasize also the personal and professional development of every single team member.

If we’re so growth-oriented, it’s important that we also emphasize the personal and professional development of every single team member.

In terms of the age of your organization, you guys are pretty Gen Y. You and Aleric are both younger. You’re the youngest member we have in our COO Alliance, which is amazing. I’m curious about the team itself. Do you have a team of people that are older or are you Gen Y in that as well?

We have a mixture of people. There are people on our team that have children. They have families. We do have a solid amount of people that are around my age and Aleric’s age. It’s a diverse group of people, which has been interesting and fun.

Has there been any real learning from you with that at all in working with the different age groups?

I’ve learned lessons in work-life balance from people who have kids. They don’t have a choice when it comes to logging off. They need to log off.

One of the questions I was going to ask you is, do any of your team have kids yet? It is a transition point when a company goes from everybody can go out for a beer, everybody can show up early, everyone can do whatever they want to, “Should I have a family? I’ve got other things and priorities.” You have had to deal with some of that.

I wouldn’t even say deal with it. It’s part of life.

I remember dealing with it. I was the first at 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to have a child. It changed everything. All of a sudden, I’m like, “We’re not having 7:00 AM breakfast every day. I’m not doing this. I can’t go out for drinks every night. This can’t happen. I got a family, which I’d like to keep.”

For us, one part of it too has been a lot of the people that we brought on. Our biggest period of growth when it came to hiring new employees was during COVID. It was all remote. That probably helped in hiring someone than having kids, not having kids, not being an issue because we were already remote.

We’re empathetic to that now as well. You had to hire a lot of people remotely. What were you doing to hire them and to make sure that you were hiring the right people? What were the systems you were using for your recruiting and interviewing?

Now, it’s changed a little bit now that we’ve grown. I’ve empowered other team members to hire for their departments. During that time, I did every single first-round interview as a guard of company culture. Even if it were a topic that I didn’t know a lot about for the skill fit, I would always do that first-round interview that was, “Does this person fit in with our culture? Are they going to work well with the team?”

Since I’ve been here from the beginning, I have a good read on that. If they pass that test, then I would move them on to the next round of interviews. Depending on the position, there would be either 2 or 3 rounds. It all depended on the position, but having me there as the first person they talked to was helpful. Also, if I liked someone, I would make sure to say, “This person is awesome. Let’s fast-track them.” I could see them doing well.

I like the process at some point, but sometimes I skip right over the process and hire the person. It’s like, “If you know they’re great, let’s hire them before someone else does.” Where have you guys screwed up? It’s natural in growth to have some mistakes. What have been some of your big mistakes as a company? Let’s talk about your second.

In 2020, we hit ten consecutive record-breaking months in our booked revenue for sales. We would be happy, but we had this mantra of normalizing it because we wanted to make sure that we would continue hitting records. We were doing a great job of normalizing, but if there was a percentage to it, it was probably 95% normalize and keep on going, 5% of celebration, of gratitude, of taking a moment to realize, “We’ve come a long way from where we started.” Doing that many months in a row burnt us out a bit. Around November 2020, a lot of us were not quite sure why we were feeling burnt out and then we reflected on it. Part of it too was that we were in lockdown. It’s a little hard to celebrate.

We realized that we hit these milestones and haven’t celebrated. That was something that we instantly turned around and made sure that we not only celebrated but also expressed gratitude for every single team member. We had ten consecutive record-breaking months in a row, then one not record-breaking. Instantly, once we flipped the switch and showed as much appreciation as we could for our team members, we implemented core value awards to spotlight team members that were doing well. We saw again another record-breaking month. We had our first million-dollar month in booked revenue, which is a huge milestone for us.

It’s interesting. It’s almost like we’re driving toward the horizon and we’re only going to be happy when we get to the horizon. If we don’t stop to look in the rearview mirror and see how far we’ve come, we missed the point. I love the idea of normalizing it, but it’s almost like normalizing it or celebrating first, like, “Let’s celebrate how far we came.” Now normalize it, celebrate again, normalize it. Do you keep a little bit of that normalizing mindset, but you celebrate more and are more thankful and more grateful as well?

Yes. We hit that goal. We celebrated, we thanked the team, and then we emphasized that this is only the beginning. We have so much more that we can accomplish from here. We emphasize how excited we are for the growth ahead because this is for us. These are still early stages. Letting people know that this is just the beginning and think about how much more we can accomplish by dialing things in more, continuously improving, getting everyone on that same page where we’re all striving for a goal, being proud of everything that we’ve done, but always striving to improve and do better has been helpful.

How about yourself? Where have you messed up? What have you done wrong? Where’d you drop the ball?

For myself, it would fall into earlier how I had said not saying no enough. I’ve been pretty resistant to hire not out of anything other than being nervous about someone not being able to do whatever job I was doing as efficiently or as quickly as I was able to do it. I delayed a lot of hires in the operations department.

Is it because you could do it?

I was convinced that I didn’t know if I could find someone that could do it as quickly as me. As a result, my bandwidth became incredibly stretched thin. It got to then a point where I was like, “Now we need to make this hire,” where it could have been an easier hiring process for a role. It was suddenly an emergency because I was doing way too many things at once. Things would suffer because I wasn’t able to put the proper amount of energy into that role.

What are you going to try to get off your plate next?

We are hiring an internal recruiter who’s going to help with recruiting and screening candidates and with a lot of the onboarding and HR things. I still do a lot of the onboarding. That’s going to be great to have someone help with that. That’s something that I did feel that that little voice in my head that was like, “Does anyone know the company culture the way you do?” I had to remind myself that I can find someone, teach them, and empower them to take on that role of being that person at the front lines, making sure that the people that we’re bringing on are going to continue to help us grow and that they’re going to do well.

YouTube does not seem like it’s going anywhere. It’s not like it’s Myspace and it’s going to disappear on us. You probably don’t even know what Myspace is because you’re young. YouTube’s not going anywhere. It’s not like it’s going to disappear and be like an antiquated platform. You do have as a company all your eggs in that one basket in a way. Are you looking at any extensions to other platforms? Are you looking at going deeper into YouTube in another way or anything on the product side? What are your thoughts as a company there?

We do help our clients with omnipresent retargeting. You have your YouTube ads. They’re dialed in. They’re doing well. Now, let’s start targeting your leads everywhere. When we say everywhere, I mean Facebook, LinkedIn, AdRoll display ads, Snapchat, and Twitter. We’re experimenting with TikTok. Pretty much anywhere that you can put an ad, we’re implementing our omnipresent retargeting strategy. We’ve seen clients get great results. I always joke to people when they go to the AdOutreach homepage, I’m like, “You’re going to see us forever.”

Do most of your clients have a marketing team in place or at least a full-time marketing person working for them? Is that who you tend to work with?

It depends. We have some who don’t, who do everything on their own. They’re still in those early stages. Those who do have the infrastructure in place and have a marketing team in place, those are ones that we found can be a great fit for going directly into our backend offer. The backend offer is where we implement that omnipresent retargeting that’s showing them how to not just advertise on YouTube but also advertise on other platforms. For us, video-based value-driven marketing is our expertise. The platforms might change over the years, but we’ll always be providing value through video. That’s something that’s never going away.

SIC 160 | AdOutreach

AdOutreach: The backend offer is where we implement that omnipresent retargeting that’s showing them how to not just advertise on YouTube but also advertise on other platforms.


How about you and Aleric? He’s been the Founder and CEO. You’ve been with him right from the early days. Where do you and he struggle or get frustrated with each other? It’s got to be like a normal business marriage. You’ve got Brian and I. When Brian was CEO and I was COO, they called us the business married couple because we had our married fights about the company all the time. Where do you guys get frustrated with each other? How do you work through that?

It was helpful through COO Alliance when we took the Kolbe assessment because we were able to put words to a lot of these struggles that we didn’t necessarily have the language to express. He’s incredibly high on QuickStart. He had the highest score you could possibly get on QuickStart. When he has an idea, he wants to implement that instantly. Whereas I am, as high as you can possibly get on follow through.

You want to have all the systems and processes before you want to start anything.

We were running into a bit of a communication issue when he would have an idea and I would say, “Okay, but we don’t have this or we don’t have that.” I would have all of these obstacles or what he saw as me trying to slow it down with obstacles, but in reality, or to me at least, I felt that I was trying to mitigate risk and ensure that it would be successful.

It’s interesting. When you do that, it’s the Kolbe A profile and you match between the two. You want to put the systems and processes in place. He wants to run it at 100 miles an hour. Every time you say, “Yeah, but,” he thinks you’re arguing with him, but you’re not arguing, you’re merely trying to understand the rest of it to put all the systems in place to run as fast as he wants to run. Do you do that Kolbe A match with other members of your team as well?

We are planning. We’ve developed our full executive team. We have our head of client success. We have our marketing director. We have our CEO and me as the Head of Operations. Having that executive team in place has been incredible. That’s something that we’re going to be doing shortly, having everyone take the Kolbe test so that we can continue to improve. Also, head of sales.

I launched a course called Invest in Your Leaders as a way to give the twelve core leadership and management skills to every manager in a company. The one area that I couldn’t include would be a personality profile because there are many different ones. I like doing almost a different personality profile assessment every year of everyone on the leadership team.

This year you do Kolbe, next year you do DiSC, and then the next year, you do Myers-Briggs. It’s a way to learn more about each other, which is a fascinating way to build trust and relationship amongst people to understand them more. I want to talk about the remote and opening because you guys are opening up an office in Austin right now and migrating the whole team. Were you and Aleric from Austin or did you guys move there? Give us the story there.

Aleric is from Boston, Massachusetts. We met at UMass Amherst, University of Massachusetts. I’m originally from New Jersey. When we both graduated from college and said, “We got to get an office,” we got one in Cambridge. It was good. Both of us have had this vision for an in-person office, this vibrant office where we could have as many people as possible in there, collaborate, and share ideas.

It’s a little hard to do in Boston to find a 5,000-square-foot office for a reasonable price. Also, the culture of Boston we found wasn’t necessarily in alignment with the business. We started looking elsewhere. We looked at Nashville. We also looked at Austin. More and more things kept pointing to Austin. Finally, we traveled there and that sealed the deal when it came to knowing that this was the place where we knew the company could grow and flourish. It was the right place for the business.

It’s a fun city. It’s an energetic city. It’s got a great vibe with Austin City Limits. Have you been to South by Southwest yet?

I haven’t. Hopefully.

Wait until your first South by Southwest. It’s normally held in April or May. You’ll love that whole vibe. It’s a great market. Now you’re running, some people are gone be remote and some people are in the office. What are your thoughts behind that? How do you blend everyone together?

One thing that we made clear to everyone when we said, “We’re moving to Austin,” We would love for as many people as possible to be in-person, but we wanted to make sure that everyone knew they would not be penalized for not moving. We weren’t going to let people go because they had a family, because of things outside of their control. However, those that do move know that that’s where the ideas are happening. That’s where there’s a lot of opportunity for growth. That’s an exciting environment.

If someone says, “Not right now,” that’s fine. We’re happy to revisit the discussion. We are going to be hiring in Austin going forward. Every single member on our team is so incredible and valued. I couldn’t imagine letting them go for something like not being able to relocate because we’ve also been working remotely successfully for long.

It seems to be the trend with all companies right now as well. They’re starting to make the shift to maybe we’ll come back to an office, maybe it’ll be at a hybrid, but we’ve certainly become more empathetic to everyone. We’ve learned that we can work from anywhere and not necessarily want to, but we can. That’s pretty cool that you can do it.

It’s also fortunate. Our team likes being together. Every month we make sure we’re doing a virtual event and everyone is excited to meet in person and hang out in person. That is something that I’m grateful for. Outside of work, we enjoy spending time and enjoy hanging out with each other. A lot of us are excited for this next chapter where we’re going to be able to do things like holiday parties and dinners after work.

Did you do some of the events with Work Play Jam as well?

We have one planned. Trivia has been a hit.

Trivia’s good. We did one. We did a Family Feud, which was fun, but I want to see what else they’ve got, too, because they’ve got some pretty cool ones that they’re bringing on board. Let’s go back to you starting as an intern. You’re going to walk into AdOutreach as an intern and you want to give yourself some advice back then. What advice would you tell yourself back then?

I would tell myself to go with my gut and to trust my instinct that this is going to go somewhere. At the time, I had a feeling. That’s why I poured so much energy into what I was doing. My parents were worried. They didn’t know how it would end up. People are asking, “Is this what you’re going to do long-term? Are you sure this is an internship you want to take? How is this going to affect the rest of your career?” There were some moments of doubt, but if I could say anything to myself, it would be to trust your gut and it’s going to pay off.

Just trust your gut and it’s going to pay off.

Julia Gordy, it looks like it’s paying off, the Head of Operations for AdOutreach. Thank you so much for sharing with us on the show.

Thank you for having me. It was awesome.

I appreciate it.


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About Julia Gordy

SIC 160 | AdOutreachChief Operating Officer at AdOutreach


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