Ep. 312 – Pause Breathwork, COO, Johan Stoop

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In this episode, we dive into a conversation with Johan Stoop, who shares insights from his experience at “Pause Breathwork,” a wellness company founded by Samantha Skelly. Johan discusses the importance of alignment within a leadership team and how it contributes to effective decision-making and growth. He also reveals the journey of transitioning from a founder-centric brand to a more independent and scalable one.

The key takeaways from this episode include the significance of alignment within a leadership team, the value of making a brand independent of its founder, and the potential of scaling wellness services through technology like apps.

If you’re interested in the wellness industry or building a brand that can thrive independently, listen to the full episode for more valuable insights.

What You’ll Learn in this Show:

  • The importance of alignment and open communication within a leadership team.
  • Strategies for transitioning a brand from being founder-centric to brand-centric.
  • The power of leveraging technology, like mobile apps, to scale wellness services.
  • The impact of incorporating breathwork into corporate culture.
  • And so much more…



Connect with Johan: Website | LinkedIn

Connect with Cameron: Website | LinkedIn

Pause Breathwork’s Vivid Vision: https://pause.live/vividvisionsicpodcast

Get the Pause Breathwork App: https://pause.live/appsicpodcast

Daily Huddle Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Do6tyffE0

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