Technology can empower our businesses like never before. We can use analytics and tracking apps to keep our teams up to date and on track. But, this does not mean we can rely solely on technology to get the job done.
While technology helps keep your team on track, it can also lead to over-management. So here’s how to find the balance between being empowered by technology and being crippled by it.
Understand Different Communication Styles Â
Companies who communicate well have higher levels of employee engagement.
With tools like Slack, WhatsApp, and voice-to-text, it’s never been easier to keep your team on track. But, it’s important to understand and play to different communication styles.
Some employees will see you through every step of their process, while others need less micromanagement – it’s about knowing the difference.
Once your team is on track, allow employees to choose their preferred way of staying in touch. It also helps to have clear guidelines about whether certain tasks need in-person vs. remote communication.
Here’s a list of 20 ways to communicate effectively with your team.
Understand How To Assign Tasks
Delegation is one of the most important aspects of keeping your team on track. Use task and time management apps to decide who should do each assignment. You can also use tech to provide valuable resources to employees, like training modules.
Use calendar apps to consider the current workload of employees. This way, you will know if they have enough time in their schedule.
Task managers can help you play to your workers’ strengths. But, once you optimize for time and efficiency, ask employees if there are any tasks they prefer. This will keep everyone happy and on track!
Understand Different Time Management Styles
Time management apps let you know how productive your team is being. It can also show you blind spots in your process where time is being wasted. But it’s easy to take time optimization too far.
Pay attention to what your employees are doing rather than how they are doing it. “Focus your expectations on the end result rather than the process. As long as an employee is getting their work in on time, and their methods aren’t costing the company more, let them tackle work however they see fit.† – COO Alliance Blog
Understand Different Environments & Styles (Co-Located vs. Remote Work)
Many recent studies suggest remote workers are more productive than co-located ones. This is because employees feel empowered when you trust them.
Many offices are now a combination of remote and co-located work. So use technology and analytics to optimize the strengths and mitigate the losses of both types of work.
Do not try to replicate co-located work remotely. Give employees the freedom to choose what is best for them as long as they are being productive and getting work in on time.
Understand The Importance Of Good Managers
Last but not least, understand the importance of good managers to keep teams stable and on track.
“The solution is to use new technologies to augment rather than replace human activity. The goal is not merely to apply new technologies, but to collectively align the most resourceful people to take on the organization’s most daunting challenges and chase the most compelling business opportunities.†– World Economic Forum
Keeping your team on track is about balancing the information technology provides with knowledge about how people actually work. Leaders who focus on optimizing relationships over processes will always win.
Remember, good tech tools should complement and support your business goals, not hinder them. Technology can improve productivity, optimize creativity, and improve processes, but beyond that, your team is your greatest resource!
If you have questions or would like more information, I’d be happy to help. Please send an email, and my team will get in touch with you!