Blog Content for COOs & Leaders
The Importance Of Time Tracking For Your Business
For any business, big or small, time is your most precious resource. Poor time management can severely...
How To Communicate Company Culture To New Employees
Developing and communicating company culture is a very important part of attracting and retaining new talent. You’ll want to ensure your company showcases its core cultural values as soon as a new employee starts their work so there is no confusion about expectations.
10 Ways To Welcome New Employees
You just spent so much time searching for new employees and working through the hiring process, but now...
Do My Customers and Employees Love Me?
When it comes to really understanding customers and employees, and understanding how much they like a...
Measurable Metrics for Your PR Team
Commonly, the typical PR person likes to write press releases, post them out to newswires, and say a...
Tips for COOs – Tip #5: Hiring
Hiring the right people is a vital part of ensuring the success of your company. Knowing how to do so...
Tips for COOs – #4: The Vivid Vision®
As a COO, it is crucial that you know how your CEO sees the future of the company so that you can map...
Tips for COOs – #3: Payment Structure
What should you pay your employees? Payment structures can be a hard task to figure out. It can be...
5 Ways To Increase Employee Retention
How can you increase your employee's retention? Believe it or not, many of the factors affecting...
Tips for COOs – #2: Avoiding Burnout
It's crucial for anyone, but especially for a business leader like a COO, to make sure you don't get to...
Entrepreneurs Start Asking The Right Questions
A good entrepreneur knows the importance of asking questions, a great entrepreneur knows how and when...
Tips for CEOs – #1: Hire a Second in Command
There comes a point in every company's growth where you need to hire a second in command. There is only...
Finding Qualified Candidates To Interview
When the job you're hiring for gets hundreds of applicants, it's important to know what to look for in...
Top Strategies to Grow With Less People, Faster
Hiring people can be tough, especially hiring the right people on a small budget. Of course, a growing...
Do You Practice Focused Productivity?
As you begin to ponder the concept of productivity, think over this quote: "The single-minded ones,...
4 Steps to Get Free Public Relations
When it comes to public relations, it can seem difficult to think of what stories and messages to get...
How To Run A Call Center – 5 Steps
Running a call center can seem quite difficult at first, but it's not! We just overcomplicated it....
How Far Ahead Should COOs Think Towards Their Company’s Future?
It's likely that at some point in your life you've been in a job interview where you've been asked the...
Ten Qualities of Great PR Professionals
What has your PR team done for you lately? Have they gotten you mentioned in shows like Dr. Phil? The...
The One-on-One Coaching Process All COOs Should Know
Never shy away from a one-on-one meeting or convince yourself that they're a waste of time. A good COO...