Blog Content for COOs & Leaders

Profit Sharing Works…

Profit Sharing Works…

If you’re running a wildly successful and profitable business, don’t hide it. I talked to a...

How to Save CEOs From Themselves

How to Save CEOs From Themselves

Help save CEOs from themselves! Most entrepreneurs suffer from what I call A.D.O.S., and it stands for:...

Fire Some of Your Customers

Fire Some of Your Customers

Why would you fire your customers? Eighty percent of your results come from twenty percent of your...

Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill

Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill

Are you a COO? Guess what? The old adage of, ‘hire for attitude, train for skill’ doesn’t work...

Mind Blowing Door Openers

Mind Blowing Door Openers

Ten years ago, I was speaking at the 20th anniversary of Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) in Las Vegas....

What Would Grandma Do?

What Would Grandma Do?

What Would Grandma Do? Grandmothers are chock-full of wisdom. As a business coach and mentor, I suggest...

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