Rate Each Area 1 Thru 12 & Get Your Meetings Score!

How Effective Are Your Company Meetings?

Step 1 of 9

  • Your company meetings get requested by anyone for any reason.
    You’re not very careful when selecting who should attend, or what to cover. You rarely think through the Agenda at all.
    You’re careful about who you request and the amount of time we book. You don’t tell Attendees the Agenda in advance.
    Your meeting requests always include: Purpose, Outcomes, Agenda and Prep if required.
  • Number 1-3 (Your company meetings get requested by anyone for any reason.)

    Number 4-6 (You’re not very careful when selecting who should attend, or what to cover. You rarely think through the Agenda at all.)

    Number 7-9 (You’re careful about who you request and the amount of time we book. You don’t tell Attendees the Agenda in advance.)

    Number 10-12 (Your meeting requests always include: Purpose, Outcomes, Agenda and Prep if required.)

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