Since my first visit in May 2007, I’ve returned to MIT’s Endicott House
14 times to teach CEOs. The EO Organization’s Entrepreneurial Masters’ Program has been held here for 25 years, making it a symbol of growth for me. Now we’re bringing our COOs back a second time.
My vision for this COO Connect is to provide a 2.5-day event focused on revenue and skill growth through keynote speakers, COO peers, and presentations on topics such as sales, marketing, automation, social media, and AI. This unique experience will provide insights, tools, and connections to rapidly grow revenue and return to you and your team with new perspectives.
The event includes world-class speakers, sharing sessions, and connection opportunities with COOs from multiple countries, along with meals and fun activities. Join us at the spectacular MIT’s Endicott House.
Sam Horn
Sam Horn is the CEO of the Intrigue Agency, a positioning/messaging consultancy, which helps people design and deliver TEDx talks, keynotes, funding pitches and one-of-a-kind brands.
She is also the CEO of the Tongue Fu! Training Institute, a trade-marked communication skills approach, that teaches how to give and get respect at work, at home, online and in public.
CEO of The Intrigue Agency, helping people design and deliver keynotes, funding pitches, and one-of-a-kind brands.
Speaker, author, & entrepreneur. Authority on cash flow planning, consultations, strategic planning, & transaction advisory.
Steven Sisler is a Master Level Behavioral Profiler and owner of The Behavioral Resource Group.
You’ll not only grow as a leader, but you’ll also build a lifetime of memories and friendships and meet a ton of people you can learn from in the years ahead.
What you get are deep connections with other COOs, systems, and skills in world-class operations, leadership, people & growth. You’ll get to know experts who can be plugged into your company to accelerate revenue growth.
You’ll learn from some of the top minds normally CEOs only get to hear from. And get their bleeding edge ideas you can put into your company right away.
You’ll learn from some of the top minds normally CEOs only get to hear from. And get their bleeding edge ideas you can put into your company right away.
Presentations from member COOs on their areas of unique ability that will fuel you with ideas for growth.
Members will also present areas they are stuck and receive instant expert advice from others in invaluable issues clearing sessions.
You’ll be placed in small breakout groups - with 5 of your fellow COOs. Throughout the event, you’ll have the opportunity to share and get feedback on some of your company's biggest operational & leadership needs (and provide feedback to the other COOs in your group).
Presentations from member COOs on their areas of unique ability that will fuel you with ideas for growth.
Members will also present areas they are stuck and receive instant expert advice from others in invaluable issues clearing sessions.
You’ll be placed in small breakout groups - with 5 of your fellow COOs. Throughout the event, you’ll have the opportunity to share and get feedback on some of your company's biggest operational & leadership needs (and provide feedback to the other COOs in your group).
Led by our founder Cameron Herold, members will share the marketing wisdom they have to help each other grow.
These sessions will be an engaging exploration of all things leadership, operations, sales, marketing, AI, people issues, etc. led by Cameron, an experienced COO with over 30 years of experience and training.
We will use a number of worksheets and tools during the event that you’ll be able to take back to your company to use with your employees, leadership team, and family members.
Led by our founder Cameron Herold, members will share the marketing wisdom they have to help each other grow.
These sessions will be an engaging exploration of all things leadership, operations, sales, marketing, AI, people issues, etc. led by Cameron, an experienced COO with over 30 years of experience and training.
We will use a number of worksheets and tools during the event that you’ll be able to take back to your company to use with your employees, leadership team, and family members.
Community: You’ll be able to finally spend time, in person, with tons of the top COO Alliance members, who are the most committed and two feet in.
Connection: You’ll have time to organically connect with the other COOs - through meals, fun, downtime, and deep conversations.
Challenge: Once you’ve been exposed to these revenue generating ideas and tools, your company growth will accelerate.
Community: You’ll be able to finally spend time, in person, with tons of the top COO Alliance members, who are the most committed and two feet in.
Connection: You’ll have time to organically connect with the other COOs - through meals, fun, downtime, and deep conversations.
Challenge: Once you’ve been exposed to these revenue generating ideas and tools, your company growth will accelerate.
Located near Boston, you’ll be surrounded by 25 acres of magnificent gardens and grounds, The Endicott House is a mansion built in 1934 in the style of a French chateau. With a history enriched with old-world grandeur and enhanced by contemporary refinements, Endicott House offers a unique site for meetings or executive education. It is a world apart, yet only minutes from Boston.
CEO of The Intrigue Agency, helping people design and deliver keynotes, funding pitches, and one-of-a-kind brands.
Speaker, author, & entrepreneur. Authority on cash flow planning, consultations, strategic planning, & transaction advisory.
Steven Sisler is a Master Level Behavioral Profiler and owner of The Behavioral Resource Group.
The first 12 people to sign up and pay will get to stay in the mansion. The next 24 people to sign up get to also stay on the property. The event is capped at 50 attendees, and
the last 14 will stay with our team 10 min away at the Hilton Hotel in Dedham.
If you don’t see a 10X ROI on your investment in this program, we’ll send you a full refund…No questions asked! That’s how confident we are that this is one of the best investments you’ll EVER make in yourself or your business.
In 7 years no one has ever needed to take us up on this offer.
COO Alliance Members (with a discounted rate), and vetted, non-member COOs and other seconds in command with companies doing min $5M in revenue (they often make up 25% of the attendees).
Current COO Alliance Members: $5,750
Past COO Alliance Members and Non-Members: $6,750
There is! If you are one of the first 12 to reserve your spot and pay in full, you get to stay in the Mansion. And we’ll pick up your room during the event! That’s right – we’ll pay for 2 nights at Endicott House.
If you’re one of the next 24, you’ll get to stay on the Endicott House property as well. And yes, we’re paying for your room too.
The last 14 to book will be paying their own hotel costs, at the Hilton Hotel where our team is staying, 10 min away via shuttle. We are capped at 50 members.
If you’re local to the Boston area, we still strongly encourage you to stay at Endicott House or the hotel – the connection time with other COOs is so worth it! You’re welcome to stay at your home and commute in each day, but you’ll lose out on that extra time.
We’ll be hosted at the luxurious and beautiful MIT’s Endicott House, Boston, Massachusetts. We’ll be hosted at MIT’s luxurious and beautiful Endicott House in Dedham, MA, 25 minutes from Boston’s Logan airport. And mid-Sept in Boston is gorgeous weather.
All event purchases are non-refundable. Refunds will not be issued.
That being said, with travel insurance, you can protect your investment in the event of any unforeseen emergencies. Check out or your favorite travel insurance company.
We’ll start at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, Sept 11th, and wrap up at 4 pm on Friday, Sept 13th. You want to be here for every minute, so make sure you’re here on Wednesday afternoon, and don’t book your return flight until 6:00 pm on Friday (or later!). If you want to stay over Friday night, book one of the many hotels near the Boston airport or downtown area.
No, there are no facilities for spouses at all during this event. We suggest that they join you on Friday and that both of you stay for a weekend getaway in Boston.
He will be with you the entire 2.5 days.
We can’t stop you from opening your laptop at the end of the day. But you will be 100% disconnected during the event itself. Quite frankly, this is the perfect time to truly disconnect and re-energize yourself, without bringing the office along. Put up an out of office notification and plan to grow!
As with all business related trips, this one should be tax deductible! However, we aren’t tax experts, so talk to yours.
Please email Meridith at with any remaining questions.
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